In Mid October, I woke up with what I thought was the flu. After 5 days, I was so sick and my back was in such extreme pain, which cause movement to be vertually impssible, that I was rushed to the hospital.
It ended up that I had endocarditis (a bacterial growth in a heart valve), a blood infection, acute renal failure and an absess in my lower spine.
After 6 weeks in the hospital, I was finally sent to rehab to regain my strength. It is amazing how much one will loose being sick and bed ridden for 7 weeks. I body/muscles had to learn to do everything all over again. I had even lost the ability to sit up for more that 10 minutes at a time, never mind walking.
I am finally home with physical therapy 3x a week helping me to regain my independance and am still on an antibiotic IV (sigh, my IV pump has become I constant companion).
The only other effect from the illnes seems to be that the middle finger on my left hand refuses to listen to my commands (of all fingers, lol) and sticks out when I try to do things. It tends to knock things over on me all the time, ha ha ha.
I am improving every day, in baby steps, but still require a walker. I am hoping to graduate to a cane in the next couple of weeks!
I miss my crafting so very much and am hoping to be able to get back to some of the simpler things soon.
I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and that you have a wonderful NEW YEAR!

Good to see you back online. Sorry to hear you've had such a rough time. Hope you will be 100% and back to crafting soon... looking forward to seeing more of your creations.
Take care.
Praying for speedy recovery and hope you feel better soon!! Hoping to see some more projects for 2011! Best wishes and hugs!! :)
Oh Sandy, I am so sorry to learn of all that you have been going through. I am happy that you are on the mend and look forward to when you are well enough to post again. Take care of yourself.
I'm so saddened by all that you've had to endure! Please know that you are in my prayers and GOOD thoughts are coming your way daily!
I hope 2011 is WONDERFUL for you and that your recovery speeds up in leaps & bounds! I'm here for you if there is ANYTHING I can do to help.
I too am looking forward to you getting back to crafting ... and I know when you do, it will be amazing! Hang in there my friend ... you are in my thoughts & prayers! HUGS to you!!
I'm so sorry. I didn't know any of this. How awful for you! I pray you'll be back to normal and crafting again soon!
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