This makes me think of when the poor women had to sew everything by hand. YIKES!!! I can't even imagine! I can picture, however, the joy...tears...celebrations...when women received one of the first sewing machines ever made. Bwaaa ha ha ha...that reminds me of the scene on Fiddler on the Roof, when that very thing happened, ha ha ha, the whole family came by to see and admire it!!!
And of course the beautiful shimmery and swirly paper to go with it. Isn't it awesome when the design, images and paper all just fall into place. No searching...they are just right there. Phew...I get the shakes when that happens, so exciting...even my dogs get worked up (or they know I am ubber excited about something so they should be too!)
I really love how this one turned out. It is the last card I made last Oct. before the illness. To bad I couldn't send it to myself! I would have loved to receive it. I stamped "Just a Note" in it, as I do many of my cards. Usually I don't have a set use for a card that I make. Stamping "Just a Note" seems like it will fit just about any occasion.
If you would like to check out the Sarah Kay Die Cut paper tole images, you can find them HERE. I have only found them one other place, but the selection was much smaller. If you know of another place, please let me know!!!

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